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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)

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  1. Ah I see. I guess I will reconsider FL studio 20 then in that case. Not impressed with the demo though. Also I really want some of the synths like Poizone but wont let me without the $899.
  2. I'm not a noob. I had the FL studio free trial for a long time now. I'd always have to leave the PC running or else lose my work and it was frustrating. I used the old FL Studios way back in the past. But this new FL Studio 20 just seems gimped. I don't understand what I'm doing. I just want something else. Do you really think I have not tried that before? It sounds to me that you have not tried the new FL Studio 20, which is gimped. In FL Studio 20 I see no "Clone" option after right click and I see no "Make Unique" like before. They have removed all the features I loved, but they have made sure to add a fudge-ton of extra features that I never asked for that just clutter everything up. Like they removed FL Soundfont player from the default list and makes it take extra clicks? They are insane. I think I am going to PM Image-Line and just see if they can sell me the old FL Studio for cheap because I don't want to deal with this new hot garbage.
  3. Eh. I'm more about piano roll. And I don't use macs. What else do you recommend for me?
  4. The Internet is enraging enough without having to DEAL with FL Studio being annoying. I have the FL Studio 20 demo. I am enraged by it. If it isn't enough that Image-LIne bleeps out the comments of HELP THREADS OF HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM? Like very welcoming to newcomers. Also if the price wasn't so insanely high maybe they wouldn't have such a piracy problem and thus not need to BLEEP OUT HELP THREADS OF HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM. The program is incredibly complicated, even just reading the help file is a chore... I came here to complain about Click-Count being too high, needlessly high, like I can't just simply Clone an instrument, I have to manually go to ADD over and over, wasting click count for no reason. And FL Soundfont player, isn't even in the default list so I have to do extra clicks to load it over and over, it's incredibly infuriating. I can't also just right click a pattern and say "Make Unique" anymore either.
  5. When I play Gamecube games, it seems like some of the sounds are being generated by the internal VST or soundfont of the gamecube. Some claim it is samples, but I'm pretty sure Gamecube has a default audio player that plays audio files containing note instructions only. I am wondering how to get that audio player into FL Studio. Some people just tell me to download Gamecube or N64 soundfonts, but most of the soundfonts are pretty terrible and have shrilly sounding loop points.
  6. If and when I ever have a budget, you will be the first guy I talk to when I need a custom built computer.
  7. Ok cool, thanks for you interest. Any songs you two are looking for and what prices are you willing to negotiate for them? My policy is that you only have to pay if you are satisfied with my work, but if you are satisfied and don't pay then I don't work on another song till I recieve payment.
  8. Lost most of my money on cryptocurrencies, could not cough up the 1700 even if my life depended on it.
  9. Hi I'm trying to pay my bills and could use some paid jobs. I am very fast at transcribing music at high accuracy. Are their any paid jobs for remixes, or creating new songs, or transcribing music, which I am very good at?
  10. Ok so I'm pretty good at making music. But my computer isn't that strong so if I use high quality VST's it lags. So I'm looking for a partner. Basically, someone who can turn my MIDIs into high quality pieces. The other thing is, when I am composing, the song starts off very good but then I don't know where to go with the song. So the cool thing is, you are welcome to extend or modify my music in any manner. So, how do this work? Basically, you do whatever you want to my music, then submit it here. If I approve your modification of my piece, both you and me get unlimited rights to the music. If I don't approve, then you do not get the rights to my song, and I will not use your modified version of my song for any purpose, unless you give me permission to do so. So basically, you get free rights to my music as long as you do good with the song. It's kind of like a win win and you get a composer working for you for free. If there are multiple submissions which are good, we both share the rights (between us, but the other 5 users don't share between them. So for example, if John and Mary gave me their submission, and I thought both were good, then John and me would share the rights, and Mary and me would share the rights, but John would not have the rights to Mary's submission.) If you are interested and want to begin, either post a description of your talents underneath, or send me a PM.
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