Posted 2000-10-27, evaluated by djpretzel

Hot diggity damn, just who IS this 'Gux', and what right does he have to contribute a Jazz ReMix of the Zelda 3 'Darkworld' theme with a beautiful, REAL trumpet solo? VERY slick here, I gotta give Gux major props for pulling off a very successfull Jazz mix that sounds like it could be right off a professional arranged album, with a bitchin' horn solo that blows me away every time I hear it. Nothing too fancy as far as notes, but the tone, processing, and articulation are all impeccable. Combine that with a lounge piano backup and an acoustic bass with 'tude, and you're downright DANGEROUS. This is the exact type of contribution I started this site to recieve, and it ranks as one of my favorites to date.



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2024-05-22 11:33:05

Still my personal favorite take on this particular source. As has been mentioned, it's simple, but still very effective and enjoyable over two decades later! Great chill

on 2014-08-11 16:40:04

Aw, hell yeah! Haha, nice, I'm loving this jazzy take on the dark world. See, this is the jazz I like and can get into. Reminds me a little of Jazz Plumber Trio, being that bouncy, smooth jazz that you would hear in those old clubs or coffee-house style joints. Aged or not, this is pretty sweet work from Gux.

ella guro
on 2009-12-05 03:36:34

This was the mix that got me into OCR. I even showed it to a couple friends who had played zelda 3 and said "isn't this the coolest thing ever?"

The samples have shown some age, but I think they way they're processed helps them sound more realistic. The arrangement is very simple, but each element works really well. It also sounds like it's a natural fit for the darkworld theme to be done this way - the melody doesn't sound chopped up or that anything is taken away from it in the transition. The piano soloing in the middle doesn't knock yer socks off, but what's there is really effective.

Still a really great mix, and one that I hope everyone hears.

on 2009-11-12 17:54:48

Pretty nice stuff, especially considering the age. I'd totally feel like a king at a restaurant listening to this. XD

on 2009-06-25 13:58:01

Either I haven't listened to this before or I just didn't appreciate it the last time I did. Either way, I'm glad I corrected that mistake. The trumpet here is gorgeous; the source tune is one of my favorites from the game, and it hasn't lost any of its merit by being transformed into smooth jazz. Excellent job.

on 2009-05-13 22:28:15

Oh I remember this...

I was searching for Zelda tracks on a P2P software (maybe WinMX), and I found this; after a while I followed the link in the album tag and....well I discovered my favourite website ^__^

on 2009-01-17 21:43:58

Very Nice. :-)

Smooth mellow coffee-house style jazz, just the way I like it.

The source really works well as jazz.

Great stuff.

on 2009-01-06 21:28:18

Hot ham blam! This is really cool. I can truly get use to this one. Interesting idea to remix this song in a jazzy style. Piano finalizes the work too. Well done!

on 2007-02-02 05:24:05

I can't believe how well this has been done!

Are these instruments REAL??? If they're not, they sure as hell sound like it...

LOVE the keyboard work, and the adaptation of the original style of the piece from a simple to compound meter. AWESOME base work, as well as the lead mute trumpet. Percussion's also awesome.

On the whole, this is one of the best Jazz arrangements for a videogame piece I've heard so for on this site.


on 2006-07-13 11:01:31

Heck, this is one of my most favorite mixes! I love how you put the Jazzy style in it. Your playing reminded me of Ramsey Lewis, mostly the piano tune. Keep up the good work.

Another Word Awaits
on 2004-11-07 18:29:04
Sounds relaxing to hear if you're at a restaurant with your girlfriend and eating her ,with red cozy candles lit and assorted dancers doing some stupid dance moves on the stage'd feel like a king!


Anyhoo, I enjoyed this piece. The original theme is recognizable, and the new material is integrated seamlessly. The trumpet may be fake, yet it is used in a plausible manner (barring the lack of breaks between notes.) Compared to some of the other Zelda jazz remixes on this site, this one is less experimental and more accessible than some of the others (which is not a knock against those other remixes at all.)

STeel Demonz
on 2004-11-07 15:56:22

Very cool. I love listening to this one.. I listen to it all the time. It's definitely one of the best jazz remixes I've heard, even if the jazz trumpet sounds a little cheesy. Just a little bit, not much. The notes are simple and it would be nice to hear maybe a harmony part. The problems I mentioned aren't really that big. You probably won't even care when you listen to it. Overall it's a great remix of a great song in Zelda 3. I'd give it a 9.6/10.

RimFrost the Tourianist
on 2004-10-17 22:55:00

Sounds relaxing to hear if you're at a restaurant with your girlfriend and eating her ,with red cozy candles lit and assorted dancers doing some stupid dance moves on the stage'd feel like a king !

(and i dont care about the fake trumpet sounds either)


Great King Rat
on 2004-09-11 05:18:10

Ah... who cares if it isn't a real trumpet. It's still sweet. Although not as good as the piano backing! Sounds rather good at this slower pace as well.

D.J. JediLink
on 2004-03-15 22:51:38

This is one sweet remix, but... being a trumpet player and all that, I can tell the trumpet is fake. It could've been recorded from a real trumpet, but it definately isn't. Too much of the SAME vibrato... (if you know what that is, high five to ya.)

- D.J. JediLink

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Nintendo , 1991, SNES)
Music by Koji Kondo
"Dark World"

Tags (10)

Piano,Solo Piano,Trumpet
Arrangement > Extended Soloing
Production > Live Instruments
Time > Tempo: Moderate

File Information

3,666,244 bytes


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