Posted 2002-04-24, evaluated by djpretzel

Oh wow. You are soooooooo going to download this. Elisabeth Pezouvanis, alias "Wire McQuaid" from Sweden, founder of Game Over, a band that does metal Nintendo covers with some AWESOME guitar playing AND amazing lyrics AND damn good singing as well sent me an email regarding this project of hers which has apparently been around for three years and which I'd never heard of. And dammit, people, when I heard this mix, I was liking it. Something fierce. As in it easily makes my top five, at least of the moment. As in stop reading my gibberish and grab it pronto. Beautiful guitar arpeggios floating in a spacious lo-fi sound soup with immaculate fret noise reverberating off into the distance might give you the wrong idea, as soon after - intro'd appropriately by a bell to signal the start of the fight - this mix TAKES OFF. Original lyrics rock, guy singing can actually sing, and there's vocal harmonizing to boot. Then they shout 'Punch Out!!' and there's a badass guitar solo. Dammit, I'm so psyched on this mix. These guys and gals rock hard and deserve worldwide attention and praise, and no, I'm not exaggerating. Tell your friends, tell your grandma, tell your next-door neighbor and anyone you can grab hold of for at least two minutes who doesn't call for help or police assistance. Visit their homepage and send them letters of adulation. (Exit Gushing Praise Mode). Seriously, this is a grade A+ mix that does everything right. Cheers and massive kudos to Elisabeth and the rest of the band for contributing this - I truly hope its appearance on OC ReMix brings them new fans and gets this excellent track out to as many people as possible.

Did I mention "wow"??



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2022-01-09 23:49:13

I love everything about this ReMix, from the vocals and the story driven lyrics, to the amazing arrangement and guitar, even the sound effects going along with the music cues. This is fantastic and honestly a good musical representation of what facing Mr. Dream is like most of the time (even if I oddly find him easier to beat than Sandman and Macho once you get the pattern down). Such a great song, man.

Holy Land
on 2010-09-01 17:25:26

****, this is good.

I just LOVE this style of metal. The lead is not overbearing (except during the solos, of course), and the guitar sounds very clean for a change... The Game Over theme used as an intro was an efficient and smart idea.

I also enjoy the singer's accent, it has an odd quality of being slighty "funny" and wickedly cool at the same time. Damn, this track is too amazing, can't wait to hear other tracks from Game Over.

on 2010-09-01 14:44:44

100% Classic OCR track right here. The ring bell count in was spectacular. Great riffing, a good solo, and really nice vocals combined with a great arrangement make this one stand the test of time.


on 2009-04-17 23:53:44

I love the tune to this song and bells at 0:46 were a great touch. great stuff

on 2009-04-17 23:40:27

2002? I saw this get posted, and after all these years, it's still my favorite remix on OCR.

Game Over, thanks so much for this song (and for your others!)-- I really hope you keep making remixes.

on 2007-10-29 11:21:44
though a largely insignificant matter, is there an unspoken rule that a track requires tom work?

or is this just a drummer talking?

Mainly it's a drummer talking.....I mean, they're right there in front of you. Toms aren't there to just look pretty.

on 2007-03-10 17:23:04

Solid stuff, once of the classics. More artists should be willing to use the "Game Over" theme like Game Over did here. There's lot of other cool little themes within the game.

on 2007-01-18 13:31:49

as a side note, I started a thread here:

you should lend your support :)

how awesome would this song be played in Band Mode?

drink some Cold Ones, play some MTPO, fire up Guitar Hero, belt this song out.. good times.

on 2007-01-17 12:16:53
Even in the face of overwhelming support for this song, I still have to stick my guns and voice my discontent with it.

If you looked up cheesy in the audio encyclopedia, you'd stumble across this song. I don't know, to me boxing should exude toughness, and these lyrics just don't reflect that. "Apprehensions becoming real" has no place in the squared circle. You don't have time to think of something that deep when your eye socket is being shattered from a left hook. These lyrics are way too deep and cheesy for this sort of thing. The gratuitous use of "Let's keep it clean, Punch Out!!" doesn't help much either.

I know quality can be an issue but this needs more backbone musically. It sounds way too flimsy. As far as 80's metal goes, Manowar would frown on this as "false metal."

I put a challenge to you. Rewrite this song from the perspective of a 'true' boxer in Swedish.

Swallowed Shyguy
on 2007-01-17 07:50:37
I've loved this song since I first heard it, but as a drummer, I have complaints, mainly that the drums sound really, really fake, I'm not sure if they used a drum machine or an electronic set,

I thought I should just let you know that Game Overs first demo was indeed recorded with programmed drums. Their new demo is recorded with live drums, and of course it sounds great! Hyrule´s Angel, found on this site, is a taste of what´s on their latest, "Nesperado".

To comment on Little Mac´s Confession, it´s certainly an immortal classic that defines the "Nintendo Metal" genre... Too good to be true.

on 2006-12-01 11:03:58

I hope people are emailing this song to Red Octane, Harmonix, or whoever they need to, for inclusion in Guitar Hero 3


on 2006-10-19 01:34:53
I've loved this song since I first heard it, but as a drummer, I have complaints, mainly that the drums sound really, really fake, I'm not sure if they used a drum machine or an electronic set, but I'm guessing it's the former due to my next complaint, which is this....where are the Tom fills. I hear cymbals, base, and snare, but no tom work at all. There are parts of this song that scream for it, but nothing happens.

Nevertheless, this song kicks ass, and is great, one of, if not, the best I've heard on this site

though a largely insignificant matter, is there an unspoken rule that a track requires tom work?

or is this just a drummer talking?

on 2006-10-17 14:03:49

I've loved this song since I first heard it, but as a drummer, I have complaints, mainly that the drums sound really, really fake, I'm not sure if they used a drum machine or an electronic set, but I'm guessing it's the former due to my next complaint, which is this....where are the Tom fills. I hear cymbals, base, and snare, but no tom work at all. There are parts of this song that scream for it, but nothing happens.

Nevertheless, this song kicks ass, and is great, one of, if not, the best I've heard on this site

on 2006-07-28 18:08:49

haha yes iv seen that. love that :D

on 2006-07-28 14:41:23
Even in the face of overwhelming support for this song, I still have to stick my guns and voice my discontent with it.

If you looked up cheesy in the audio encyclopedia, you'd stumble across this song. I don't know, to me boxing should exude toughness, and these lyrics just don't reflect that. "Apprehensions becoming real" has no place in the squared circle. You don't have time to think of something that deep when your eye socket is being shattered from a left hook. These lyrics are way too deep and cheesy for this sort of thing. The gratuitous use of "Let's keep it clean, Punch Out!!" doesn't help much either.

If you looked at the title... and listened to the lyrics, and put it into the cotnext of the "get up! get up!" meledy at the end, you'd realize that this was a song about failure.. specifically Mac's.

And we've ALL been there before playing this game. So the lyrics fit (even if they are a bit deep.. though maybe one can assume Mac is looking back on all this after his loss?)

btw, this Perry Bible Fellowship comic comes to mind:



Sources Arranged (3 Songs)

Primary Game:
Punch-Out!! (Nintendo , 1987, NES)
Music by Akito Nakatsuka,Kenji Yamamoto (I),Yukio Kaneoka
"Game Over"
"Get Up!"
"Match BGM"

Tags (10)

Electric Guitar,Singing,Vocals: Male
Lyrics > Lyrics: Original
Production > Live Instruments
Time > 4/4 Time Signature

File Information

4,346,030 bytes

Doc, I know I've let you down
'Cause you counted on me
But David beating Goliath
Just wasn't meant to be

What's my Star
Compared to Dynamite?
A quite pathetic fight
Let's keep it clean, Punch-Out!!

Mr. Dream had turned into a nightmare
His fists had a taste of steel
I flinched from his assaulting
Apprehensions became real

[Chorus 2]
Some hooks
A barrage of his claws
My heartbeats took a pause
Let's keep it clean, Punch-Out!!

So thick, the darkness that surrounds
I entered the dreamless rest
The KO countdown faded
As I greeted unconsciousness

Forgive me for failing you
I disillusioned you
My best
Just wasn't good enough

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