The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "St. Vital's Fresh Limestone Cutz" 2:32

By Double A Ron

Arranging the music of one song...

"Goron City"

Primary Game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo , 1998, N64), music by Koji Kondo

Posted 2002-05-29, evaluated by djpretzel

Another first submission, this time a surprising hip-hop mix from Zelda 64 by Double A Ron that's NOT of Gerudo Valley or one of the other more popular tracks but instead of the Goron theme - groovy. A nice vinyl electric bass sample starts things off, with a filtered, quiet drum loop joining in. Melody is covered by clean, unprocessed piano and synth guitar, with backing drone pads, some excellent scratching, and a louder hip-hop stick drum groove that plays well off the lighter loop. Oh, there's also some groovy pizzicato strings and ambient synth fx. Captures hip-hop flavor well with a combination of processed and clean elements that stick out in the mix. I especially dug some of the syncopation with the drums - definitely a mix you can funk to. Maybe one or two more lead sounds thrown in for a verse or two would have given it a bit more variety, but minimalism tends to pay off with hip-hop as overproduced tracks can easily go too far in the wrong direction. Not much else to say, here - good, simple hip-hop Zelda 64 mixage that I enjoyed well enough. Should have something even for those who aren't fans of the genre as the rhythms and mix is just fun to follow in general. Sort of has the same basic-but-inexplicably-groovy quality that ye olde Banana ReMix from days of yore had. Recommended.



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2010-09-28 16:26:24

It's nice. The quiet, little ambient stuff makes it feel a little more fleshed out without killing the...minimality? Anyway, the midi stuff feels too low-fi for me to enjoy. Except, these kinds of tracks are made distinctive with that plus ambience (thinking of BenCousins' stuff). I do appreciate the "clean" feel of it, but all in all it does not equal a download for me.

on 2009-12-13 10:24:43

The "guitar" should have been better, both it and the piano should have been more humanized, but the rest of the track is okay for '02. Has a cool groove, which seems to be the remixer's forte (judging from this and his other mix on the site). Would be cool to hear how a 2010 Double A-Ron remix would sound. :D

on 2007-12-04 02:29:21

as stated before this has a very midi-ish sound to it, in all respects: this kind of style allows for quite some instrumental variation without sounding awkward. As a result it is very subjective with respect to if you like the combination of instruments. In terms of structure, the song misses out and turns out very predictable, but luckily, its overlength is modest. In all, the idea of using the Goron theme as a loop is fine, but the overall experience was a little flat for me: I'm missing more from he original than I'm getting. So no midi-magic I must say but if the theme is fresh to you, you might well give it a try.

on 2007-07-15 21:58:04
The beats are good and I like the vocal sample, but that midi is not cutting it for me. That guitar just ruins the mood for me. :-(

I think if A ron redid this nowadays it'd be way better as far as samples go.

The mix is a little conservative as far as melodic interpretation, but the new bassline is pretty cool, and the beats really are nice.

this mix is from at least 100 years ago give it a break.

imo this was the best remix of a zelda 64 tune prior to pachabel's ganon

on 2007-07-11 10:09:23

The beats are good and I like the vocal sample, but that midi is not cutting it for me. That guitar just ruins the mood for me. :-(

I think if A ron redid this nowadays it'd be way better as far as samples go.

The mix is a little conservative as far as melodic interpretation, but the new bassline is pretty cool, and the beats really are nice.

lady zelda
on 2006-08-27 00:32:00

This is one fun mix! I can definitely see Darunia dancing to this, haha (move over, Saria's Song)! Your choice of instrumentation really brought some extra life and a more defined melody to the original. Good work! Keep it up!

on 2006-02-23 17:42:43

Great song! It's been a wonderful diversion from the pool of Gerudean songs, good and bad. This is one of my favorite Ocarina of Time songs, easilly. It's just simply pwnz. Nice hip-hop mix to a song that got annoying in the game.

on 2005-08-20 11:07:23

I have to admit, I DO like the Gerudos better. Don't know why, but I do. Though this is a cool remix. Hip-hop rocks XD What could be better? Gerudos, but that's not the issue. ^_^'

on 2005-01-14 18:50:04

NO MORE GERUDOS!!! For once there's the Gorons, my faveorite species/race from Zelda. The song describes what the Gorons whould be in the future. Hip-Hopping rock eaters! A fun song to listen to. :D

on 2004-09-29 06:35:36

heh yeah... i like the mix, but when i first heard the drums, i was a little skeptical.... but i still love the mix, goojob man!! (i like chocolate!!)

on 2004-09-29 00:29:55

I kinda got tired of it (if you look above, you'll realize I got locked out of my previous account).

I mean, it was a good song, but back then I was a noob remixer. This was my very very first mix, and I just mixed generic midi sound with a few beats and stuff. Listen to it and you can tell right off the bat. Still fun.

on 2004-09-28 10:36:39
This is a great piece! I love the Goron Song! This is one of the songs that I can listen to over and over and never get tired of!

Ditto... while playing Zelda OT, i'd just stand in the goron place listnen to the music while i did my other stuff.... it kicked @$$ man!! yeah... one thing i noticed... the drums kinda fade in... dunno about u guys, but i noticed it. not that bad... great mix in all!

on 2004-07-22 21:49:09

This is a great piece! I love the Goron Song! This is one of the songs that I can listen to over and over and never get tired of!

on 2002-12-06 00:10:57
This is such a great piece, I recommend it to everybody! If you don't download this, you are missing out.

I especially liked where he added in a bit of hip-hop, adding a little flavour to the techno music. Great scratching and beats in the background. *Applauds Double A Ron!*

Thank you very kindly for the review. I feel this is one of my best pieces. Even though I never really added too much in terms of effects unlike my current KSS hit, I felt I did what I could, with the exception of putting variations in the bassline.

By the way, correction on the last paragraph, dear boy. It's more of a hip-hop piece than a techno mix. The drum line may have a techno style beat, but the sounds are in the hip-hop genre (the type of music I specialize in).

on 2002-07-03 22:35:48

I just heard Double A Ron's great techno piece, Goron OC Remix ! It is great how he put the mix together, it really made me want to dance and I felt like I was with the Gorons. This is such a great piece, I recommend it to everybody! If you don't download this, you are missing out.

I especially liked where he added in a bit of hip-hop, adding a little flavour to the techno music. Great scratching and beats in the background. *Applauds Double A Ron!*

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Nintendo , 1998, N64)
Music by Koji Kondo
"Goron City"

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