The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker "First Time on Outset" 2:59

By halc

Arranging the music of one song...

"Outset Island"

Primary Game: The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Nintendo , 2003, GCN), music by Hajime Wakai, Kenta Nagata, Koji Kondo, Toru Minegishi

Posted 2009-10-17, evaluated by djpretzel

Alright! We've removed the "www" in our URL, killed the sidebar, revised the overall site design (announcement/feedback here), and we're now leaner, meaner, and... something else that rhymes with leaner and meaner... we'll go with "cleaner," that works. You can expect more changes over the next few months, but damn it feels good to finally get a simpler, more straightforward design in place. And what better way to celebrate than with some badass music - in this case a Wind Waker arrangement from halc. Fresh off his controversially-puntastic Kirby mix, Mr. Wheeler continues to impress. We also haven't had a Wind Waker mix since 2005, so it's good to see Link's cel-shaded Gamecube adventure get some more love. The artist's submission email was short-but-sweet:

"A chippy rendition of the Outset Island theme from Wind Waker. Not much to say, just enjoy ^^"

Pretty much; right from the intro, halc hits heavy with the chip textures, and he keeps it pretty chippish throughout, building out the arrangement to eventually include acoustic drums, string stabs, and some C64 SID-type synths here and there. It's very buoyant, joyous source material, so it's hard not to smile and bob your head a bit (my signature move) while you listen. Dig the spring/coil slinky-to-your-ear effects on the ending too; creative sound design. It seems like halc, Platonist, Protodome, AeroZ and others are getting into the chiptune sound quite a bit and putting together some awesome, elaborate stuff; definitely a good trend. More great work from halc that's rock solid on both production & arrangement and damn fun to listen to, as well.



Latest 15 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2012-04-09 11:59:14

I think it's been said several times before, but it also sums up how I feel about this ReMix. It's just way too fun to listen to. Halc's style is instantly recognizable, and it's hard for me to pick on things he puts out. This ReMix is happy and just lets the good feelings flow. Nicely done.

on 2012-01-30 21:35:50
just gonna leave this here...

I wish you didn't. That scarred my good opinion of your song. WHAT THE HECK IS THAT???

on 2012-01-30 12:18:13

just gonna leave this here...

on 2011-02-17 16:03:06

This song captures the mood of Outset Island really well and its fun to listen to. :) That should be all you need to justify downloading this song.

This is one of those odd cases where I listened to this remix well before hearing the actual music from the game. Its sort of a weird reversal. :)

on 2010-12-21 07:23:15

Another chipper chiptune from halc - I'm going back through all your remixes and getting any I haven't got already, including this little gem (rupee?). You do have a knack for picking great sources that just fit right into your style perfectly, and I think that's a huge advantage. Nase put it very well when he said:

Your remixes never scream 'OMG IM HAPPY AND YOU SHUD B 2'. They just infect you with their happiness
Again you've captured the essence of the source tune - the enthusiastic optimism of starting an adventure - and distilled it down into this upbeat-but-not-overly-saccharine remix, which is exactly what a good OCReMix should do! Awesome stuff, and thanks for being so prolific - I always look forward to your work. Can't wait for the Sound of Speed to drop :D
on 2010-07-28 05:44:57

In terms of the capability for the title to serve as a sexual metaphor, this is one of the greatest remixes of all time.

on 2010-07-27 05:49:22

I've clipped this a bit and set it as my phone ringtone, I just never get tired of listening to it. :)

on 2009-12-29 23:24:41

I really like the intro and how it "switches stations" to the main part. Ultimately, this feels like a retrograde, a call back to Zelda on 16/8 bit platforms. It's just a reminder to me that Zelda is just uncomplicated, non-serious fun.

Whenever I listen to this I get a mental image of WindWaker Link except with an N64 polygonal resolution. :razz:

This is just a plain and fun good times mix that comes highly recommended.

Jack Polo
on 2009-12-21 18:15:18

At the time that I downloaded this, I had kind of forgotten how the Outset Island theme went. I knew it was great, but I just couldn't quite remember how it went exactly. Needless to say, I was really happy at 1:01, when the lead melody came in for the first time; it all came rushing back to me :-D

You've done a really great job with this song. So great, in fact, that it is a contender for my personal "Best of 2009" playlist 8) which is, of course, the highest honour anyone's music can be bestowed with, as we all know. :-P

on 2009-12-01 21:16:12

First off, great choice of source :-P Your happy style definitely shines brightest when you're working with a good original song such as this one.

You know I love when you incorporate non-synth elements into your chippy style of music, but you seem to be able to work in strings especially well. You did the same with your Kirby mix and I thought it just sounded fantastic :-)

This was one of my initial favorites from you when I heard it on R:TS - of course, lately I've heard some things from you that, frankly, blow this out of the water in terms of arrangement and production, but you did really well here and I still enjoy listening to it :-)

on 2009-11-12 10:40:52

Well although I didn't think it was possible, you topped your Super Mario Land remix-collab in one single chorus. The amount of depth and things going on, and they way they come together; my mind is blown every time I listen to this. It amazes me to hear all these different elements that are really distinct on their own, come together in ways I can't even begin to understand, to create the most beautiful sounding piece. I could live off your remixes alone.

If I am ever to start remixing, you will be my master, and I will be your apprentice.

Martin Penwald
on 2009-11-03 16:08:09

The chiptune-sound of this remix seems so natural that you'd never guess that the game remixed was released in this decade. Nice work.

on 2009-11-03 13:31:33

LOVE it.

Anyone ever play Linus Spacehead on the Quattro Adventure collection for NES? Parts of this remind me of the music from that game. And a little bit of Balloon Fight too.

on 2009-10-28 06:05:18

Sweet sweet sweet.

I can never say a lot about your mixes, except that I always enjoy riding on those subtly euphoric sound waves of yours.

Your remixes never scream 'OMG IM HAPPY AND YOU SHUD B 2'. They just infect you with their happiness, not that they'd care.

It's awesome that you've found this way of expression through the obscure hobby of video game remixing.

on 2009-10-24 19:44:35

Love the 8-bit, and the "item get" sound from original game. Great beat, wonderful job layering the 8-bit with everything, along with the little flourish sounds in 8-bit. I also enjoyed how you mixed kokiri forest into the song around 1:38, it was just icing on the cake.

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Nintendo , 2003, GCN)
Music by Hajime Wakai,Kenta Nagata,Koji Kondo,Toru Minegishi
"Outset Island"

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