ReMix:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Technicolor Thunderstorm" 3:18

By Lemonectric

Arranging the music of one song...

"Dark Mountain Forest"

Primary Game: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Nintendo , 1991, SNES), music by Koji Kondo

Posted 2017-08-09, evaluated by the judges panel

We hope you are enjoying Mirror Image: A Link to the Past ReMixed!! Our flood continues, after a brief respite, with this playful, chiptastical jam arranging "Dark Mountain Forest" - the artist writes:

"A Link to the Past contains a lot of great source tunes that have been remixed and arranged and covered more times than is possible for a human brain to comprehend. I almost feel silly making another contribution to that kind of ocean, but hey, if I'm going to arrange something from every Zelda game, I've gotta hit the big ones too.

This source in particular usually gets a pretty cinematic treatment, so I felt like that was a good opportunity to break away from convention (although Platonist beat me to the punch with his excellent chips)."

I like the thinking; the end result brightens up a dark forest with a little sunlight & cheer, maintaining a smidge of the ominous undertones but also injecting some levity. Album director WillRock writes:

"This was one of the more interesting takes on the album, IMO. When we were picking out artists, we tried to consider some form of faithfulness to the original tune, and yet Hylian Lemon (not known for Imperial March-like shenanigans) ended up claiming "Dark Mountain Forest."

I will admit, I was a little bit concerned how this might end up (being the director of a game I'm VERY fond of perhaps made me more invested that I had any right to be). However, the sheer groovy chiptune feel, along with the very tasteful additions and variations to the original source tune helped differentiate itself in a very positive manner, adding a vibe that isn't present in the original. I feel like this shouldn't work in any capacity but somehow Hylian Lemon made this feel like a natural, effortless take. I think it's a testament to the quality of the source tune and talent of the remixer that this works SO WELL, and make this one highly recommended."

Ditto all that... it's a little risky, and certainly modifies the tone of the source in a way that might initially be disconcerting, but HL has a knack for weaving chip tapestries that take on a life of their own and can provide a solid, reliable, & expressive engine for all sorts of divergent arrangement concepts. Co-director DaMonz addz:

"When Hylian Lemon confirmed his claim for this track, I knew that it would be awesome. I have never been disappointed by anything done by Ben, and with such an awesome source there was no room for doubt in my mind. I always love how he finds unexpected ways to twist the harmonic progressions in most of his arrangements to give a whole new set of (techni)colors to whatever track he's arranging. This case is certainly no exception, and makes for an extremely solid pillar of absolute chippy grooviness for the album."

Ditto all that AGAIN; Ben is an arranger's arranger, if you will, and crafts some truly lovely structures. Judges were easily unanimous; Nutritious writes:

"I also love this remix. Fantastic arrangement. Crispy chips. Clean production... 1:11 is stupidly cool."

It would be stupidly uncool not to check this one out; great stuff!



Latest 7 comments/reviews; view the complete thread or post your own.
on 2024-08-15 03:07:46
On 8/11/2017 at 2:43 AM, Eino Keskitalo said:

Finally I'm reminded, by the tones of the chip leads and also the richness of the part-writing, two great retro-style soundtracks: VVVVVV and Shovel Knight, which I also appreciate!

100% agree, especially the Shovel Knight bit. The chiptune is super playful and mischievous, almost invoking fall/spooky vibes at times, it's such a fun sounding mix. Definitely up there for one of my favorite ReMixes of the Dark World forest.

on 2017-08-16 04:23:45

Holy s*** this is good!!!

I've been liking Hylian Lemon a lot ever since his Essence of Lime album back in 2010 but now I think I'm just in love..

seriously one of my favorite artist on this planet, the guy knows how to groove and be funky and I need that in my life :)


on 2017-08-12 10:04:59

So you ARE allowed to use soundfonts for tracks!!!! Cool!

Thanks for the reply, HL, and yes, this is awesome.

1:11 THOUGH.

Hylian Lemon
on 2017-08-12 08:29:22
11 hours ago, TheChargingRhino said:


Wow again.


Was this made in part with SAC, by any chance?

Thanks! The chippy parts were made with FL Studio's 3xOsc plugin, and the LttP strings were from a soundfont by Blitz Lunar.

on 2017-08-11 21:12:47


Wow again.


Was this made in part with SAC, by any chance?

on 2017-08-11 02:43:45

I truly appreciate the freshness of the arrangement approach to the source tune. It's fun to hear it interpreted in a pretty new way.

HL's arrangements always so well considered, each line sounds like it has given a lot of consideration individually, but also how they work together. I need to make some notes..

Finally I'm reminded, by the tones of the chip leads and also the richness of the part-writing, two great retro-style soundtracks: VVVVVV and Shovel Knight, which I also appreciate!

on 2017-08-07 00:03:23

What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.

Sources Arranged (1 Song)

Primary Game:
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (Nintendo , 1991, SNES)
Music by Koji Kondo
"Dark Mountain Forest"

Tags (6)


File Information

5,312,305 bytes


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