Wiki: Difference between revisions of "Submission Standards and Instructions"

(revision of email submissions policy, etc)
(clarification for 3.3 and 5.1)
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== What's the minimum I need to know to submit something? ==
:''For information on the process after submissions are received, please see [[Judges Panel]].''
*All ReMixes should be submitted in MP3 format no bigger than 192kbps, should be less than 6MB, preferably with ID3v2 tags filled out according to [[Detailed ID3v2 Tag Specification|guidelines]].
This document describes the process for submitting music to [[About Us|OverClocked ReMix]] and the standards by which submissions will be evaluated. By submitting your music to this site, you are agreeing to our '''[[Content Policy]]'''; please read it first before proceeding.
*Only submit one ReMix at a time. If you have several ready, choose what you believe to be the best. Wait three weeks between submissions. Only submit your best material - if you are still very unsure about a submission, chances are it will not be accepted, and this will delay our re-evaluation should you choose to work further on it and resubmit.
:: ''Languages: [[Estándares de Presentación e Instrucciones|Español]] / [[Teishutsu Kijun to Yarikata|Jouhou]]''
*Make sure your ReMix is original and your own, does not borrow too heavily from outside sources, and is not simply a MIDI file with instrument changes. Give your ReMix an original title that is neither your own name nor the name of the original track (though it can be a variation).
== 1. Format ==
*Email your submission to '''<span style="color:orange"></span>''' including all relevant information. If you are a new ReMixer, be sure to include your ReMixer name and email address and/or website if you want them added.
:1. Submissions must be '''WAV format''' audio files.
::* Audio must be at least '''16-bit, 44.1kHz stereo''' and will be encoded as a 16-bit, 44.1kHz stereo VBR1 MP3.
::* If you have lost your original project files and cannot provide a WAV of the required quality, please note this in your submission comments.
::* Do not tag or name your file with "OC ReMix", "", etc.; we will do this ourselves if your submission is accepted.
:2. We strongly recommend submissions '''between 2 and 7 minutes in length'''.
::* Anything longer may delay evaluation.
::* Anything shorter OR longer risks not featuring the original source music prominently & consistently.
:3. Submissions must have an '''original title'''. Do not name your submission after the source track, the game title, the genre, or yourself.
*If there are no free, dedicated music or file hosting options available (e.g. [ SoundClick], [ AudioStreet], [ Google Pages]), send your submission as an email attachment. Do not host your submission on a temporary storage site (e.g. PutFile, GetFile, YourFileHost), as your file may expire before we have a chance to evaluate it.
== 2. Ownership ==
*Have patience. Check the [ Judges Decisions] forum and the homepage to see if your ReMix was posted.
:1. Your submission must be '''your own, original arrangement'''.
:2. Only submit works which you yourself participated in the creation of; do not submit on behalf of others.
:3. Your submission does not need to be newly or exclusively created for OverClocked ReMix; past arrangements made for other personal, community, or commercial projects are welcome, so long as any previous contracts or terms are not prohibitive.
:4. If your submission involves multiple artists, ensure that all artists:
::* Are named in the submission information
::* Agree with the terms of our [[Content Policy]]
::* Are credited with the name and profile information they wish to be represented by on OverClocked ReMix
:5. If an artist does not wish to be credited in a collaboration, they do not have to be. If they would prefer to be mentioned in the submission writeup instead, please indicate that in the submission information.
== What qualifies as a 'ReMix'? ==
== 3. Acceptable Source Material ==
You can ReMix music from any game, on any platform, from any time period. Atari 2600, Playstation 2, Sam Coupe, Commodore 64, Gameboy Advance, Arcade, PC, whatever. Though there will always be popular favorites, we suggest that ReMixing obscure songs that people probably haven't heard yet is just as viable if not moreso than doing popular (ahem, Squaresoft) stuff. But it's TOTALLY your call. The music does have to be from a game, however - it can't be a bonus track off a commercial OST that wasn't actually in the game. In addition, popular movie themes (i.e. Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc.) or commercial songs that happened to be used in game soundtracks are not valid ReMix material. The music has to have been composed for the game, not simply used within it. Please ensure that submissions are primarily composed of arranged game music plus your own original additions. Any incorporation of non-game music (mainstream, classical, etc.) should be very limited and should never carry significant portions of the mix. For example, a Mega Man mix that used Beethoven's 9th symphony for its chorus, where 15-25% of the mix was not from the game itself, would likely be rejected. Sound effects are not considered music, and original compositions built using in-game sound effects but no actual music from a game will not be considered. ReMiixes of games that are shareware, freeware, or personal projects will be accepted, but may be rejected at our discretion based on the nature of the release. We highly recommend ReMixing titles released commercially to avoid any issues as to a game's candidacy for arrangement.
:1. Submissions can arrange '''music from any video, computer, or arcade game, with the following qualifications''':
::* The music must have actually been used in the game; a bonus track off a commercial game soundtrack does not qualify.
::* The music must have been composed specifically for the game or first published (or recognized) as the game's soundtrack. Movie themes such as ''Star Wars'' or licensed songs from games like ''Gran Turismo'' do not qualify.  
:::* Current exceptions: Portions of the ''Tetris'' soundtrack, containing Russian folk music and classical music, and portions of the ''Frogger'' soundtrack, containing Japanese nursery rhyme music.
::* Sound effects alone are not considered music, and submissions primarily consisting of them will not be accepted.
::* Games that are shareware, freeware, or personal projects may or may not be accepted at our discretion. We strongly recommend arranging music from commercial releases to avoid any problems.
:2. Submissions incorporating more than one source are allowed, but are not given special consideration or leniency with regard to the submission standards.
::* Your submission will only be assigned to a single game in our database, regardless of how many games' music it contains.
::* Your submission must have a strong focus and direction. Medleys must sound like a single song, not multiple songs pasted together.
:3. Any incorporation or arrangement of source material not from games (mainstream, classical, etc.) should be extremely limited.
::* Brief usage of non-VGM sources is acceptable, but mashups and extended sections arranging non-VGM sources are not allowed.
::* Any direct non-VGM source usage must be explicitly mentioned in your submission comments.
It is strongly encouraged that you limit material being ReMixed to a single game for each submission. Your ReMix will only be titled or "assigned" a single game in our database, regardless of how many games' music it contains, though we can mention in our write-up what other titles were covered. However, it is strongly advised due to the nature of the way mixes are evaluated that you maintain focus and continuity in your arrangement, which is much easier when you are dealing with songs from a single game's soundtrack. Please keep this in mind - part of the focus of this site is to highlight and pay homage to the work of game composers, not cram as many of their songs as possible into a five-minute arrangement.
== 4. Arrangement ==
Any genre or style of music is acceptable: Techno, Salsa, Rock, Classical, Ambient, Dub, Hillbilly, House, Trance, Medley, Hybrid, Rave, Jungle, Instrumental, Ska - you name it.
:1. Arrangements in any genre of music (for example: techno, jazz, rap, rock, classical) are acceptable, so long as the genre itself does not conflict with any other arrangement criteria.
::* Submissions must have a primary focus on musical elements; this excludes extensive focus on narration/voiceover (e.g. audio drama, audio books).
:2. Your '''arrangement must be substantial and original'''.
::* Submissions must be different enough from the source material to clearly illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. Acceptable arrangement often involves more than one of the following techniques:
:::* Modifying the genre, chord progression, instrumentation, rhythms, dynamics, tempo, or overall composition of the source material
:::* Adding original solos, transitions, harmonies, counter-melodies, lyrics, or vocals to the source material
::* Taking the original game audio and simply adding drum loops or using an existing MIDI file and assigning new instruments does not qualify as substantial or original arrangement.
::* Submissions must not include any sampled audio, including sound effects, from material owned by Square Enix or its subsidiaries.
::* Submissions should be long enough to convey arrangement; generally, this requires at least two minutes of material.
:3. The '''source material must be identifiable and dominant'''.
::* While interpretation and original additions are encouraged, arrangement must not modify the source material beyond recognition.
::* The amount of arranged source material must be substantial enough to be recognized.
In terms of arrangement - how close or distant ReMixes should be to the original - the general rule is that the ReMix should be YOURS. We don't just mean that you were involved in its creation, but that it is different enough from the original so as to readily illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. In other words, don't just take the original and drop a few drum loops on top. Also, don't simply take a MIDI file and assign new instruments to the parts, or add reverb, and expect that to pass as 'yours'. When we say 'ReMix', we actually mean something closer to 're-arrangement', if that helps clarify. If you listen to most of the pieces on the site and compare them to the originals, you should get an idea of what a ReMix is. Changing a piece's genre, adding original passages, solos, harmonies, and counter-melodies, as well as altering instrumentation, dynamics, and tempo are all ways of making a ReMix your own unique creation, and are techniques best used in conjunction.
== 5. Production ==
To the other extreme, the song should at least bare a recognizable resemblence to the original - don't submit a ReMix of a Britney Spears song and tell us it's Super Mario because you were playing Super Mario when you wrote it. Somewhere in there has to be some traces of videogame music that others, not just yourself, can idenfity.
:1. Submissions should be '''cleanly and clearly produced'''.
::* Recordings should be reasonably free of distortion, hum, clicks, pops, or other unintentional audio artifacts.
::* Volume levels should be normal compared to the average recording.
:2. Production must show significant attention to sound quality, mixing, mastering, and utilization of effects.
::* Synthesized and sampled elements must be reasonably sophisticated.
:::* General MIDI sounds from low-budget soundcards are not sufficient when superior samples are available online for free.
:::* Overusing common presets, relying heavily on prerecorded loops, or employing nothing but basic tones or "chiptunes" is discouraged.
::* Instrumental and vocal performances should be recorded clearly. Performances should be well-executed with regard to tone, pitch, and rhythm.
::* Submissions should be mixed with regard to volume, panning, and effects so that individual elements are clear and an appropriate sense of space is maintained.
== How are submissions judged? ==
== 6. Evaluation ==
ReMixes are evaluated based essentially on characteristics that fall into two categories: arrangement and sound quality. Under arrangement, the areas where your submission deviates from the original - and whether it deviates enough or (less frequently an issue) too much - will be examined. Transitions, sequencing, effectiveness within a genre, dynamics, variety, and most importantly originality are all criteria which make up the arrangement category. Even if you submit the most sonically impressive music in the world, if the tempo, notes, rhythms, and dynamics are identical to the original, your submission will not be accepted. Under sound quality, the mixing (mastering, panning, effects), processing, and sample quality are taken into account. OCR hosts MP3 files for a reason, and if the sound quality of your submission could easily have been achieved using the General MIDI soundsets of most budget consumer soundcards, it will be rated down in this category. Even if you submit the most ingenious reworking of a game theme ever, with sequencing and programming and chord progression all highly refined, if it clearly sounds like a default FruityLoops demo or General MIDI playback, your submission will not be accepted. An OC ReMix strikes a balance between creatively reworking the original composition and paying attention to mixing and sound quality, and is thus judged accordingly in both of these two areas.
:1. Submissions that do not meet format, ownership, and source material requirements may not be evaluated.
:2. Submissions may still be rejected without further evaluation if either arrangement or production requirements have clearly not been met.
:3. If all requirements have been met, submissions will be evaluated based equally on arrangement and production criteria, taking into account more subjective factors such as originality, variety, and quality.
:4. Submissions will generally be evaluated relative to recently posted ReMixes; ReMixes posted over a year ago may not represent current standards for arrangement and production.
:5. Submissions that are revisions or new versions of existing, posted ReMixes will only be evaluated as additions, not as replacements, and must be substantially different. Revisions are not encouraged and may be held to higher standards.
== Can I submit a revision of an existing, posted ReMix? ==
== 7. Instructions ==
This has come up as an issue several times, and we've finally decided on a policy to help clarify the answer. If your mix was just posted a week ago and you're submitting a revision that fixes a one second audio glitch and nothing else, that's fine. However, in terms of submitting revisions that change the arrangement or mixing, we will only entertain such submissions as additions, not replacements, relative to the existing mix, and the new version has to be different enough in terms of arrangement, sound quality, instrumentation, etc. that both the new mix and the old stand on their own as separate creations. ReMixes of this nature will be judged on normal criteria as well as how different they are from the existing mix. Again, no replacements/revisions will be accepted, but if you've got a ReMix of a song you already ReMixed, and it's different enough, additions of that nature will be considered. This is in keeping the idea that OCR represents a history of video and computer game remixes, not just a collection of them, and that rewriting or replacing pieces of this history would have negative repercussions.
:1. Submit only one submission at a time. Multiple submissions sent together will not be evaluated.
:2. Wait two weeks between submissions. You do not need to wait for your previous submissions to be evaluated. Submissions received more frequently than two weeks apart will not be evaluated.
::* Resubmissions that are meaningfully revised after a past rejection can be expedited back to the judges panel at any time. Please include *RESUBMISSION* in your comments, and a link to the previous judges decision.
:3. Ensure that submissions are final, polished works: once posted, they cannot be revised.
:4. Submit your arrangement using '''[ our Submissions form]'''.
::* If you cannot access the form, [ register a forum account].
::* For anything else (questions, suggestions, etc.), contact us on [ our Discord server] or contact '''<span style="color:orange">[]</span>'''.
::* Please indicate if you have a special request regarding the date or manner in which your submission is posted.
:5. Have patience. Check the [ Currently in the Judging Process] page, the [ Judges Decisions] forum, and the homepage to see if your submission was accepted. If you do not see it on the judging queue, contact a judge about it.
== Who can submit and how often? ==
Anyone can submit a ReMix for consideration. However, the person submitting the ReMix either has to have created it themselves or have direct permission from a party involved in its creation. Please don't email us suggesting we post someone else's ReMix - email them suggesting they submit it. Please wait three weeks between ReMix submissions. We realize you may be a very productive, prolific ReMixer who creates dozens of great pieces a week - but, only submit your very best work.
What format should the submission be in?
This is not a videogame MIDI remix site. There are plenty of those around, the world doesn't need another. What sets OC ReMixes apart is sound quality - while this can be achieved via MIDI by using Sound Fonts, the output is still MP3. ReMixes are judged in part on sound quality, and the inconsistency of MIDI playback is not ideal for the level we are aiming to achieve.
All ReMixes should be submitted in MP3 format.
ReMixes should be no larger than 6MB (6,291,456 bytes). No exceptions.
Bitrate should be as low as possible to achieve the desired sound quality, within reason. We recommend and use the free MP3 encoder [ LAME]. If it's a really short song, feel free to bump up the bitrate a bit, but do not exceed 192Kbps . . . if it's a realllly long song, and won't fit under 6MB, please consider cutting a shorter, alternate version. It's a bandwidth thang ^^
Please fill out the minimum required ID3v2 fields according to our [[Detailed ID3v2 Tag Specification|ID3v2 specification]].
== What should I put in the submission email? ==
Along with a link to your ReMix (preferred) or the ReMix attached, include in your email (<span style="color:red">required fields in red</span>):
=== Contact Info ===
* <span style="color:red">Your ReMixer name</span>
* Your real name
* Your email address
* Your website
* Your userid (number, not name) on our [ forums]
=== ReMix Info ===
* <span style="color:red">Name of game(s) ReMixed</span>
* Name of individual song(s) ReMixed
* Additional information about game if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc.
* Link to the original soundtrack if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site
* Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.
If you are submitting someone else's work (with their permission) see if you can extract, however painfully, that information from them . . . you can also tell us your credit card number, but that's probably a bad idea, and we really can't recommend it...
== How do I actually submit the ReMix? ==
Include the information indicated above as well as a working link to your ReMix in an email to '''<span style="color:orange"></span>'''. You should receive an automated confirmation email, though this doesn't always occur due to spam-blocking mechanisms, etc. Do not send questions, suggestions, etc. to this email address, only submissions - for anything else contact [ djpretzel].
== What's in it for me? ==
Fame, glory, and a lifetime supply of the ability to say "I helped djpretzel!" . . . you just can't set a monetary value on those, now can you??

Latest revision as of 20:58, 26 April 2024

For information on the process after submissions are received, please see Judges Panel.

This document describes the process for submitting music to OverClocked ReMix and the standards by which submissions will be evaluated. By submitting your music to this site, you are agreeing to our Content Policy; please read it first before proceeding.

Languages: Español / Jouhou

1. Format

1. Submissions must be WAV format audio files.
  • Audio must be at least 16-bit, 44.1kHz stereo and will be encoded as a 16-bit, 44.1kHz stereo VBR1 MP3.
  • If you have lost your original project files and cannot provide a WAV of the required quality, please note this in your submission comments.
  • Do not tag or name your file with "OC ReMix", "", etc.; we will do this ourselves if your submission is accepted.
2. We strongly recommend submissions between 2 and 7 minutes in length.
  • Anything longer may delay evaluation.
  • Anything shorter OR longer risks not featuring the original source music prominently & consistently.
3. Submissions must have an original title. Do not name your submission after the source track, the game title, the genre, or yourself.

2. Ownership

1. Your submission must be your own, original arrangement.
2. Only submit works which you yourself participated in the creation of; do not submit on behalf of others.
3. Your submission does not need to be newly or exclusively created for OverClocked ReMix; past arrangements made for other personal, community, or commercial projects are welcome, so long as any previous contracts or terms are not prohibitive.
4. If your submission involves multiple artists, ensure that all artists:
  • Are named in the submission information
  • Agree with the terms of our Content Policy
  • Are credited with the name and profile information they wish to be represented by on OverClocked ReMix
5. If an artist does not wish to be credited in a collaboration, they do not have to be. If they would prefer to be mentioned in the submission writeup instead, please indicate that in the submission information.

3. Acceptable Source Material

1. Submissions can arrange music from any video, computer, or arcade game, with the following qualifications:
  • The music must have actually been used in the game; a bonus track off a commercial game soundtrack does not qualify.
  • The music must have been composed specifically for the game or first published (or recognized) as the game's soundtrack. Movie themes such as Star Wars or licensed songs from games like Gran Turismo do not qualify.
  • Current exceptions: Portions of the Tetris soundtrack, containing Russian folk music and classical music, and portions of the Frogger soundtrack, containing Japanese nursery rhyme music.
  • Sound effects alone are not considered music, and submissions primarily consisting of them will not be accepted.
  • Games that are shareware, freeware, or personal projects may or may not be accepted at our discretion. We strongly recommend arranging music from commercial releases to avoid any problems.
2. Submissions incorporating more than one source are allowed, but are not given special consideration or leniency with regard to the submission standards.
  • Your submission will only be assigned to a single game in our database, regardless of how many games' music it contains.
  • Your submission must have a strong focus and direction. Medleys must sound like a single song, not multiple songs pasted together.
3. Any incorporation or arrangement of source material not from games (mainstream, classical, etc.) should be extremely limited.
  • Brief usage of non-VGM sources is acceptable, but mashups and extended sections arranging non-VGM sources are not allowed.
  • Any direct non-VGM source usage must be explicitly mentioned in your submission comments.

4. Arrangement

1. Arrangements in any genre of music (for example: techno, jazz, rap, rock, classical) are acceptable, so long as the genre itself does not conflict with any other arrangement criteria.
  • Submissions must have a primary focus on musical elements; this excludes extensive focus on narration/voiceover (e.g. audio drama, audio books).
2. Your arrangement must be substantial and original.
  • Submissions must be different enough from the source material to clearly illustrate the contributions, modifications, and enhancements you have made. Acceptable arrangement often involves more than one of the following techniques:
  • Modifying the genre, chord progression, instrumentation, rhythms, dynamics, tempo, or overall composition of the source material
  • Adding original solos, transitions, harmonies, counter-melodies, lyrics, or vocals to the source material
  • Taking the original game audio and simply adding drum loops or using an existing MIDI file and assigning new instruments does not qualify as substantial or original arrangement.
  • Submissions must not include any sampled audio, including sound effects, from material owned by Square Enix or its subsidiaries.
  • Submissions should be long enough to convey arrangement; generally, this requires at least two minutes of material.
3. The source material must be identifiable and dominant.
  • While interpretation and original additions are encouraged, arrangement must not modify the source material beyond recognition.
  • The amount of arranged source material must be substantial enough to be recognized.

5. Production

1. Submissions should be cleanly and clearly produced.
  • Recordings should be reasonably free of distortion, hum, clicks, pops, or other unintentional audio artifacts.
  • Volume levels should be normal compared to the average recording.
2. Production must show significant attention to sound quality, mixing, mastering, and utilization of effects.
  • Synthesized and sampled elements must be reasonably sophisticated.
  • General MIDI sounds from low-budget soundcards are not sufficient when superior samples are available online for free.
  • Overusing common presets, relying heavily on prerecorded loops, or employing nothing but basic tones or "chiptunes" is discouraged.
  • Instrumental and vocal performances should be recorded clearly. Performances should be well-executed with regard to tone, pitch, and rhythm.
  • Submissions should be mixed with regard to volume, panning, and effects so that individual elements are clear and an appropriate sense of space is maintained.

6. Evaluation

1. Submissions that do not meet format, ownership, and source material requirements may not be evaluated.
2. Submissions may still be rejected without further evaluation if either arrangement or production requirements have clearly not been met.
3. If all requirements have been met, submissions will be evaluated based equally on arrangement and production criteria, taking into account more subjective factors such as originality, variety, and quality.
4. Submissions will generally be evaluated relative to recently posted ReMixes; ReMixes posted over a year ago may not represent current standards for arrangement and production.
5. Submissions that are revisions or new versions of existing, posted ReMixes will only be evaluated as additions, not as replacements, and must be substantially different. Revisions are not encouraged and may be held to higher standards.

7. Instructions

1. Submit only one submission at a time. Multiple submissions sent together will not be evaluated.
2. Wait two weeks between submissions. You do not need to wait for your previous submissions to be evaluated. Submissions received more frequently than two weeks apart will not be evaluated.
  • Resubmissions that are meaningfully revised after a past rejection can be expedited back to the judges panel at any time. Please include *RESUBMISSION* in your comments, and a link to the previous judges decision.
3. Ensure that submissions are final, polished works: once posted, they cannot be revised.
4. Submit your arrangement using our Submissions form.
5. Have patience. Check the Currently in the Judging Process page, the Judges Decisions forum, and the homepage to see if your submission was accepted. If you do not see it on the judging queue, contact a judge about it.


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  • This page was last edited on 26 April 2024, at 20:58.