Arkista's Ring Composed by Sizlla Okamura
"Arkista Girl and I Liked It" "Dungeon", "Title Screen"
FEB 27 2018
Atelier Shallie: Alchemists of the Dusk Sea Composed by Daisuke Achiwa, Hayato Asano, Kazuki Yanagawa, Sen
"Starlit Sails" "End of Hibernation", "Stella -Part 1-", "Stella -Part 2-", "Stella -Part 3-"
Arranged by Ivan Hakštok |
SEP 20 2023
Balatro Composed by LouisF
"Upping the Ante" "Main Theme"
Arranged by Mattmatatt |
JUN 4 2024
Breath of Fire II Composed by Yuko Takehara
"Whale of September" "A Whale (La-la-la)"
Arranged by ilp0 |
SEP 10 2018
Bubble Bobble Composed by Tadashi Kimijima, Zuntata
"Bubbles for Lunch" "Main Theme"
Arranged by ilp0 |
APR 14 2021
Celeste Composed by Lena Raine
"Part of Me" "Confronting Myself", "First Steps", "Resurrections", "Scattered and Lost"
Arranged by heymagurany |
SEP 22 2021
Chrono Cross Composed by Yasunori Mitsuda
"Lost Orphan" "Burning Orphanage", "Light of Silence"
Arranged by AzureKevin |
DEC 3 2024
Chrono Trigger Composed by Nobuo Uematsu, Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda
"A Battle Across Time" "Battle", "Battle 2", "Boss Battle 1", "Boss Battle 2", "Fanfare 1", "Magus Confronted", "The Final Battle", "World Revolution"
Arranged by jnWake, Gamer of the Winds, Ivan Hakštok, Lucas Guimaraes |
OCT 5 2023
"Find the Frozen Flame" "Lavos's Theme", "The Final Battle", "World Revolution"
Arranged by Ivan Hakštok |
APR 6 2024
"Save the Future" "Chrono Trigger"
Arranged by StormSkuggan |
JAN 21 2019
"Strain On You Insane Diamond" "Strains of Insanity"
Arranged by zachaction |
MAR 6 2024
"Tyrano's Stash" "Tyranno Lair"
Arranged by Lucas Guimaraes, Brandon Harnish, Cory Johnson, ImAFutureGuitarHero, ThisIsJayC |
OCT 5 2023
"where threads connect" "The Epoch - Wings of Time"
Arranged by Chris ~ Amaterasu, melody |
SEP 23 2011
Elemental Master Composed by Naosuke Arai, Toshiharu Yamanishi
"Brother" "Calling on the Dark Dragon King (Boss 5)", "Cursed Destiny (Visual Scene 1)", "Dance of Flame (Stage 1)", "Great Spirit Overture (Opening)", "Until the End of the Earth (Stage 3)"
Arranged by Megalixir |
AUG 7 2020
Final Fantasy Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Dance of Descent" "Chaos Temple", "Ending Theme", "Gurgu Volcano", "Main Theme", "Menu Screen", "Opening Theme", "Save Music", "Town", "Underwater Temple"
Arranged by Izkemia, Brandon Strader |
JUN 18 2012
"Fierce Fairground Fight" "Floating Castle", "Menu Screen", "Shop"
Arranged by blackguitar |
JUN 19 2012
"Sentient Machines" "Floating Castle"
Arranged by Brandon Strader, RGM_burai |
JAN 28 2013
"The Beginning of a Legacy" "Battle Scene"
Arranged by Brandon Strader, The Dual Dragons |
OCT 25 2012
Final Fantasy IV Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Genesis of Destruction" "The Final Battle"
Arranged by audio fidelity, OceansAndrew, Cyril the Wolf, lisabela, Voices of the Blue Planet, Nutritious |
JAN 16 2024
Final Fantasy IX Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Into the Sandstorm" "Cleyra's Trunk"
Arranged by jnWake, Argle |
JUL 26 2017
"Zaghnol Comes" "Hunter Chance"
Arranged by Juan Medrano |
AUG 10 2016
"Zero World" "Battle 2", "Kuja's Theme", "The Final Battle", "Wicked Melody"
Arranged by Fishy, Ludiotic |
SEP 9 2015
Final Fantasy Tactics Composed by Hitoshi Sakimoto, Masaharu Iwata, Yukiko Mitsui, Yuko Miura
"Antipyretic for Your Precipitous Apoplexy" "Antipyretic", "Apoplexy", "Battle on the Bridge", "Shock!!~Despair"
Arranged by jnWake, minusworld |
APR 12 2024
"Trichotomy" "Trisection"
Arranged by sschafi1, Tiago Rodrigues, Jordan Chin, Marc Papeghin, PirateCrab |
JUL 9 2018
Final Fantasy V Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Boss Key" "Clash on the Big Bridge", "Supreme Lord Exdeath"
Arranged by norg |
MAR 14 2014
Final Fantasy VI Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Bad Octopus" "Grand Finale?", "Save Them!"
Arranged by Fishy, XPRTNovice |
OCT 14 2013
Final Fantasy VII Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"G-R-O-O-V-E of a God" "Birth of a God", "J-E-N-O-V-A"
Arranged by Tetrimino |
APR 10 2015
"This Boss Are Sick" "Fight On!", "J-E-N-O-V-A"
Arranged by jnWake, Jabo |
APR 22 2024
Final Fantasy VIII Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Estharian Airs" "Silence and Motion"
Arranged by Fishy |
AUG 3 2011
"Hunter's Landing" "Hunter Chance", "The Landing"
Arranged by Ivan Hakštok |
AUG 19 2021