Chrono Trigger Composed by Nobuo Uematsu, Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda
"Behind the Sealed Door" "Sealed Door", "The Prelude"
Arranged by Lifeformed |
AUG 14 2008
Final Fantasy Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Something Final" "J-E-N-O-V-A", "Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII", "Mako Reactor", "Prelude", "The Red Wings"
Arranged by Children of the Monkey Machine |
JAN 30 2002
Final Fantasy IV Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Empress Waltz" "Flowers Blooming in the Church", "Garnet's Theme", "Princess Zelda's Rescue", "Rosalina in the Observatory 3", "The Wedding Waltz ~ Duel", "Troian Beauty"
Arranged by RebeccaETripp, Julia Henderson, Kristin Naigus, MatcHey, May Claire La Plante, Medllix, Meowsical, P2 Sue, PitTan, Samantha Ballard, Tiggs |
MAR 8 2022
"Mechanical Delights (NeverEnding Love Mix)" "Crazy Motorcycle", "Within the Giant"
Arranged by The Vodoú Queen, ZackParrish |
APR 26 2024
Final Fantasy V Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Fire Cross" "Battle", "Battle Scene", "Clash on the Big Bridge", "Don't be Afraid", "Hunter Chance", "Let the Battles Begin!", "Victory", "Village on a Windy Mountain - Conde Petie", "World Revolution"
Arranged by LuIzA |
OCT 10 2006
Final Fantasy VI Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"Inspector Strago" "Birth of a God", "Strago"
Arranged by AeroZ |
APR 17 2009
"North Medley" "Aria de Mezzo Carattere", "Eyes On Me", "Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII", "Terra", "The Prelude"
Arranged by Dale North |
JUN 18 2000
"Prancing Dad" "Dancing Mad", "One-Winged Angel"
Arranged by Prince uf Darkness |
FEB 17 2012
Final Fantasy VII Composed by Nobuo Uematsu
"A Foray into the Eastern Horizons" "Schala's Theme", "Wutai"
Arranged by mv |
AUG 6 2004
"A Life Without Parole" "Dead Sea/Tower of Destruction", "Desert Wasteland"
Arranged by Dhsu |
DEC 20 2007
"A Secret, Submerged" "J-E-N-O-V-A", "Secret of the Deep Sea"
Arranged by Hy Bound |
FEB 26 2024
"A World of Piano" "Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII"
Arranged by kLuTz |
OCT 17 2002
"Acoustic Fireworks" "Words Drowned by Fireworks"
Arranged by EgM |
JAN 19 2003
"Adrenalyne Kyck" "Hurry!"
Arranged by Big Giant Circles, Liontamer, zircon |
MAR 19 2008
"Aeris Lives" "Aeris's Theme", "The Prelude"
Arranged by Kevin Lau |
JAN 2 2005
"Aeris Summer Samba" "Aeris's Theme"
Arranged by Lau |
OCT 11 2001
"Aire Tam Break" "Anxiety", "Fight On!", "Let the Battles Begin!"
Arranged by Fishy |
DEC 29 2009
"An Answered Cry" "Listen to the Cries of the Planet"
Arranged by Deimos |
JUL 25 2002
"Ancient Steps Retraced" "The Forested Temple"
Arranged by Tansunn |
JAN 13 2001
"Ascension to Cosmo Canyon" "Cosmo Canyon"
Arranged by Reuben Kee |
JAN 29 2005
"BadAzz" "One-Winged Angel"
Arranged by PrototypeRaptor |
DEC 6 2011
"Beyond Midgar" "Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII"
Arranged by BogusRed |
JUN 11 2005
"Black Suits" "Turks' Theme"
Arranged by Infinity Tone, subversiveasset |
FEB 15 2022
"Black Wing Metamorphosis" "One-Winged Angel"
Arranged by bLiNd, Fishy, Jillian Aversa, Juan Medrano, Steffan Andrews, Suzumebachi, tefnek |
SEP 14 2007
"Captain of the Skies" "Launching a Dream into Space"
Arranged by ZackParrish |
MAY 22 2014
"Chocarena" "Electric de Chocobo"
Arranged by Draggor |
SEP 16 2002
"Cid (Solace Simplicity)" "Cid's Theme"
Arranged by Children of the Monkey Machine |
NOV 14 2000
"Cid Sends a Dream to the Undersea Palace" "Cid's Theme", "Ocean Palace"
Arranged by Star Salzman |
MAR 22 2003
"Climhazzard Rush" "Fanfare"
Arranged by aluminum |
NOV 27 2003
"Cosmic Meadow" "Cosmo Canyon", "Red XIII's Theme"
Arranged by ymK |
MAR 2 2022
"Cosmo" "Cosmo Canyon"
Arranged by MkVaff |
JUN 21 2018
"Costa del Sol DANCE" "Costa del Sol"
Arranged by posu yan |
AUG 7 2000
"Crying Planet" "Listen to the Cries of the Planet"
Arranged by Akira Wing |
SEP 29 2009
"Damn Those Turks!" "Turks' Theme"
Arranged by Danny Baranowsky |
SEP 14 2007
"Daydreaming Again" "Words Drowned by Fireworks"
Arranged by Pot Hocket |
OCT 21 2007
"Death, Rebirth, Life - 1986" "J-E-N-O-V-A", "Let the Battles Begin!"
Arranged by Anti-Syne |
SEP 28 2012
"Deliverance of the Heart" "Anxiety", "Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII"
Arranged by Jillian Aversa, zircon |
SEP 14 2007
"Devotion of a Caring Soul" "Tifa's Theme"
Arranged by Jorito, Amerlyn Zeta, Andrew Steffen, Andrew Stern, Chromatic Apparatus, Damian Nguyen, Dewey Newt, Earth Kid, Gamer of the Winds, JohnStacy, Lauren the Flute, mkafie, Travis Kindred, TSori, Yuki K |
MAY 3 2021
"Dreams; Nightmares" "The Nightmare's Beginning"
Arranged by H36T |
APR 19 2024
"Duel of the Blades" "Liberi Fatali", "One-Winged Angel"
Arranged by Kevin Penkin |
JUL 3 2012
"Every Story Begins with a Name" "Opening - Bombing Mission"
Arranged by Big Giant Circles, zircon |
MAY 10 2009
"Fading Entity" "Listen to the Cries of the Planet"
Arranged by bLiNd, Leifo |
SEP 14 2007
"Fantasy Fighting" "Let the Battles Begin!"
Arranged by Pixel Pirates |
JAN 13 2024
"Fight On" "Fight On!"
Arranged by CarboHydroM |
OCT 13 2004
"Fighting (7/8 Jazz Spiritual)" "Let the Battles Begin!"
Arranged by Lau |
NOV 13 2001
"Final Ecstasy" "The Prelude"
Arranged by Ailsean |
JUN 13 2000
"Finding Your Inner Alien" "Find Your Way", "J-E-N-O-V-A"
Arranged by Platonist |
FEB 12 2018
"Flight of the Cosmonauts" "Cosmo Canyon", "Unknown Lands"
Arranged by Emunator, Shea's Violin |
MAY 19 2024
"Fluss der Liebe" "Life Stream"
Arranged by DarkPrinceLuca, Freemind, GrayLightning, Israfel |
AUG 11 2003
"Frozen Landscape" "Buried in Snow"
Arranged by Tweex |
DEC 25 2007
"Full Frontal Assault" "Let the Battles Begin!"
Arranged by norg, SnappleMan |
SEP 14 2007
"Full of Hope" "Anxiety", "Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY IV"
Arranged by Nutritious |
SEP 11 2009
"G-R-O-O-V-E of a God" "Birth of a God", "J-E-N-O-V-A"
Arranged by Tetrimino |
APR 10 2015
"Galvanized Boss" "Fight On!"
Arranged by Standby |
JUL 28 2002
"Golden Feathers" "Racing Chocobos - Place Your Bets!"
Arranged by Mattias Häggström Gerdt |
NOV 11 2007
"Harmony of Destruction" "Norfair - Ancient Ruins Area", "Those Chosen by the Planet"
Arranged by ellywu2 |
APR 20 2008
"Hear Her Cries" "Listen to the Cries of the Planet"
Arranged by H36T |
SEP 20 2022
"Heart's Anxiety" "Anxiety"
Arranged by Ceracryst, cheez80 |
NOV 2 2002
"Heavy Mako" "Mako Reactor"
Arranged by Knight of the Round |
JUN 3 2011
"Holding Hands" "Desert Wasteland"
Arranged by DrumUltimA |
JAN 14 2016
"Honour, Pride, Green Tea" "Cid's Theme", "Cosmo Canyon"
Arranged by Tuberz McGee |
OCT 20 2015
"How Many Heavens Are There?" "Tifa's Theme"
Arranged by Wiesty, XPRTNovice |
NOV 3 2015
"Howling Winds" "Cosmo Canyon"
Arranged by Forest Elves |
MAY 20 2020
"Hydrophone Breakdown" "Secret of the Deep Sea"
Arranged by JJT |
SEP 14 2007
"In the Beginning" "The Prelude"
Arranged by YoshiBlade |
OCT 31 2017
"Internal Affliction" "Listen to the Cries of the Planet", "Those Chosen by the Planet"
Arranged by sephfire |
JAN 11 2004
"It's Difficult to Stand When You're on Acid" "It's Difficult to Stand on Both Feet, Isn't It?"
Arranged by Beatdrop |
APR 19 2003
"JENOVA Celestial" "J-E-N-O-V-A"
Arranged by bLiNd |
OCT 27 2007
"Jenova for Classical Piano" "J-E-N-O-V-A"
Arranged by Noir |
APR 25 2004
"Jenova Returns" "J-E-N-O-V-A", "Jenova Complete"
Arranged by Steffan Andrews |
FEB 12 2008
"JENOVAD Trance" "J-E-N-O-V-A"
Arranged by FFmusic Dj |
JUL 31 2002
"Judgement-Funkadelic" "Judgment Day"
Arranged by Charles Ritz, David Peacock, DrumUltimA, Dutcher Snedeker, Fredrik Häthén, Marc Papeghin, Nuri Tett, sschafi1, Thennecan |
JUL 7 2016
"Let the Decisive Battle on the Big Bridge Begin!" "Clash on the Big Bridge", "Let the Battles Begin!", "The Decisive Battle"
Arranged by Ivan Hakštok, Juan Medrano |
MAR 17 2021
"Light and Flakey" "Buried in Snow"
Arranged by Heath Morris |
JUL 2 2003
"Lunatic Moon" "Cosmo Canyon"
Arranged by Juan Medrano, zircon |
NOV 3 2007
"Make Who React Her" "Mako Reactor"
Arranged by Artificial Fear |
AUG 25 2015
"Mako Eyes" "Life Stream"
Arranged by Fishy, Mattias Häggström Gerdt |
SEP 22 2008
"Mark of the Beatsmith" "Mark of a Traitor"
Arranged by Hy Bound |
SEP 27 2007
"Materia Junkie" "The Oppressed", "Under the Rotting Pizza"
Arranged by LuIzA |
SEP 14 2007
"Memories of a Green Shinra" "Green Memories", "Shinra Company"
Arranged by Kyaku |
FEB 19 2024
"Mother" "J-E-N-O-V-A", "Listen to the Cries of the Planet", "Mako Reactor", "Those Chosen by the Planet"
Arranged by Moomba |
JUL 16 2012
"Nanaki Searches for Truth" "It's Difficult to Stand on Both Feet, Isn't It?"
Arranged by Dev |
JAN 18 2004
"Neoteric Assembly" "Reunion"
Arranged by Tansunn |
JAN 5 2001
"No Such Thing As the Promised Land" "Mako Reactor"
Arranged by sephfire, SGX |
JUN 7 2008
"Noodlin'" "Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII", "The Prelude"
Arranged by Trenthian |
APR 30 2021
"Not the Taxi You Whistled For" "Farm Boy", "Golden Saucer", "The Prelude"
Arranged by XPRTNovice |
DEC 18 2012
"Of Transformants and Brevity" "The Nightmare's Beginning"
Arranged by zykO |
JUL 13 2003
"Omnislash" "Hurry Up!"
Arranged by Fishy |
DEC 9 2007
"On That Day..." "On That Day, Five Years Ago..."
Arranged by Russell Cox |
JAN 24 2003
"Open Your Mind" "Open Your Heart"
Arranged by Bluelighter |
MAR 29 2021
"Oppressed Swamp Dub" "The Oppressed"
Arranged by Isopropyl |
JUN 23 2001
"Otanjoubi Cid" "Cid's Theme"
Arranged by FFmusic Dj |
NOV 7 2002
"Over the Horizon" "On Our Way"
Arranged by RebeccaETripp |
MAY 18 2022
"Philharmonic Suite: Finale" "Weapon Raid"
Arranged by Jeremy Robson |
OCT 30 2004
"Philharmonic Suite: Part I" "Opening - Bombing Mission"
Arranged by Jeremy Robson |
JUL 17 2003
"Pour the Poison Out" "Mako Reactor"
Arranged by Platonist |
AUG 21 2018
"Prayer" "Aeris's Theme"
Arranged by MENBAH! |
APR 22 2004
"Prayers of the Earth" "The Forested Temple"
Arranged by RebeccaETripp |
JAN 30 2024
"Quiet Wish" "Words Drowned by Fireworks"
Arranged by RebeccaETripp |
MAR 21 2025
"Rape of a Planet" "Mako Reactor"
Arranged by mp |
DEC 24 2001
"Rare Square" "Countdown", "The North Cave"
Arranged by bustatunez, The Orichalcon |
SEP 14 2007
"REAKTR.1" "Opening - Bombing Mission"
Arranged by sephfire, Tweex |
MAY 13 2007
"Red XIII Redux" "Valley of the Fallen Star"
Arranged by AmIEviL |
MAR 31 2001
"Scenes from a Memory" "On That Day, Five Years Ago..."
Arranged by Juan Medrano, Suzumebachi, zircon |
NOV 22 2007
"Sector 7 Hath Wrought the Angel" "One-Winged Angel"
Arranged by Trenthian |
JAN 27 2004
"Sephiroth's Deliverance" "Birth of a God", "J-E-N-O-V-A", "Let the Battles Begin!", "One-Winged Angel", "The North Cave", "Those Chosen by the Planet"
Arranged by Skummel Maske |
FEB 23 2012
"Sephiroth's Wake" "Trail of Blood"
Arranged by Tweex |
MAR 7 2008
"Serenity" "Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII", "The Prelude"
Arranged by Jennifer Graham, Lisa Leamons, Mustin, Tim Yarbrough |
SEP 14 2007
"Seven Degrees of Judgment " "Judgment Day"
Arranged by Rosencrantz & guildensterN |
DEC 1 2001
"Short Skirts" "Tifa's Theme"
Arranged by djpretzel, Vig |
SEP 14 2007
"Shrouded Reactor" "Mako Reactor"
Arranged by Wiesty |
MAY 3 2017
"Son of Chaos" "Shinra Company"
Arranged by Xaleph |
MAY 18 2008
"Space Station of the Ancients" "Listen to the Cries of the Planet"
Arranged by Mazedude |
MAR 28 2003
"Speed Limit" "Crazy Motorcycle"
Arranged by sephfire |
FEB 27 2007
"Steeling Hearts" "Forever Rachel", "Mako Reactor", "Terra", "Tifa's Theme"
Arranged by Hemophiliac |
APR 29 2024
"Strife" "J-E-N-O-V-A", "Judgment Day", "Mako Reactor", "Mako Reactor 1", "Shinra Company", "Those Chosen by the Planet"
Arranged by Pixels and Paradiddles |
SEP 8 2023
"String Machine (Corel Prison Mix)" "Desert Wasteland"
Arranged by FFmusic Dj |
APR 9 2002
"Suco de Melancia" "Costa del Sol"
Arranged by Red Tailed Fox |
JAN 11 2008
"Suffering Planet" "Listen to the Cries of the Planet"
Arranged by Xaleph |
APR 11 2002
"Sweeter Than Honey" "Honeybee Inn"
Arranged by Will Buck |
MAR 19 2004
"The Call from the Mine" "Mining Town"
Arranged by Bluelighter |
MAR 26 2018
"The Cosmofarian" "Cosmo Canyon"
Arranged by djpretzel |
NOV 18 2019
"The Crossroads" "Cid's Theme"
Arranged by Jovette Rivera |
SEP 14 2007
"The End" "One-Winged Angel"
Arranged by tefnek |
SEP 25 2009
"The First Playing" "Debut"
Arranged by Bluelighter, Bowlerhat, Dewey Newt, TSori |
OCT 18 2023
"The Omen of Jenova" "J-E-N-O-V-A", "Premonition"
Arranged by Nekofrog |
OCT 5 2009
"The Planet Is Dead" "From the Edge of Despair", "Listen to the Cries of the Planet", "Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII"
Arranged by Nekofrog |
NOV 28 2011
"The Rules of the Road" "Crazy Motorcycle", "Title"
Arranged by XPRTNovice |
APR 27 2018
"The Shinra Shuffle" "Fanfare", "Fight On!"
Arranged by The Runaway Five |
MAY 23 2009
"The Twelfth Commandment" "Judgment Day"
Arranged by Midee, prozax |
JUL 4 2006
"This Boss Are Sick" "Fight On!", "J-E-N-O-V-A"
Arranged by jnWake, Jabo |
APR 22 2024
"Those Chosen by the Medly" "Kuja's Theme", "Liberi Fatali", "Terra", "Those Chosen by the Planet"
Arranged by Trace Dragon XVI K |
NOV 6 2003
"Tifa's Love" "Tifa's Theme"
Arranged by RebeccaETripp, Tiggs |
MAR 14 2022
"Too Much Fighting" "Fanfare", "J-E-N-O-V-A"
Arranged by Mattias Häggström Gerdt |
JAN 4 2008
"Truth in Forgiveness Await" "Tifa's Theme"
Arranged by The Risen Dayspring |
JUN 19 2004
"Turks in Pursuit" "Under the Rotting Pizza"
Arranged by Dj Orange |
MAR 29 2004
"Valse Aeris" "Aeris's Theme", "Flowers Blooming in the Church"
Arranged by Jeremy Robson |
SEP 14 2007
"Vincent's Longing" "The Nightmare's Beginning"
Arranged by RebeccaETripp |
APR 14 2017
"When the Planet Fights Back" "Weapon Raid"
Arranged by Infinity Tone |
JAN 20 2021
"Where Destiny Meets" "Reunion"
Arranged by Joshua Morse |
JUN 8 2003
"With Heart and Soul" "Let the Battles Begin!"
Arranged by Sir_NutS, Sadorf |
APR 8 2020
"Yet Even More Fighting" "Crazy Motorcycle", "Opening - Bombing Mission"
Arranged by Kidd Cabbage |
MAR 26 2008
Final Fantasy VII Remake Composed by Masashi Hamauzu, Mitsuto Suzuki, Nozomi Toki, Tsuyoshi Sekito
"A Broken Waltz" "A Broken World", "Jessie's Theme", "Main Theme of FINAL FANTASY VII", "Return to the Planet", "The Look on Her Face"
Arranged by Techie Jessie |
FEB 24 2023
"Howling and Hollow" "Dear to the Heart", "Hollow", "On That Day, Five Years Ago...", "The Prelude"
Arranged by Earth Kid, Erika Richards |
AUG 13 2024
Final Fantasy X Composed by Junya Nakano, Masashi Hamauzu, Nobuo Uematsu
"How Much Longer" "On That Day, Five Years Ago...", "Suteki da ne"
Arranged by Pot Hocket |
OCT 22 2006
Final Fantasy XII Composed by Hayato Matsuo, Hitoshi Sakimoto, Masaharu Iwata, Nobuo Uematsu
"Final Fantasy Forest Medley" "Eruyt Village", "In Search of the Man in Black", "Legend of the Great Forest", "Phantom Train", "Rustling Forest"
Arranged by RebeccaETripp |
JUN 25 2015
Mega Man 2 Composed by Manami Matsumae, Takashi Tateishi
"wily theme" "A-Type (Korobeiniki)", "Aquatic Ambiance", "At Doom's Gate (E1M1)", "Bloody Tears (Street-day time-Stage BGM)", "Clash! Gourmet Race", "Corridor of Time", "Dire, Dire Docks", "Dr. Wily Stage 1", "Dragonborn", "Get a Weapon", "Green Hill Zone", "Guile (U.S.A.)", "Lost Woods", "MEGALOVANIA", "One-Winged Angel", "Overworld BGM", "Start Music", "Still Alive", "The Moon", "Theme from San Andreas", "Title Screen"
Arranged by TheManPF, Chocobao, DakotaCityRag, Gamer of the Winds, Zach Chapman |
SEP 20 2023
Raptor: Call of the Shadows Composed by Matthew Murphy
"PlectraSubCity" "Listen to the Cries of the Planet", "Wave 6 ~ Tango Sector: Wave 2"
Arranged by The Orichalcon |
JUN 1 2006
Sonic Heroes Composed by Fumie Kumatani, Hideaki Kobayashi, Jun Senoue, Keiichi Sugiyama, Mariko Nanba, Naofumi Hataya, Teruhiko Nakagawa, Tomoya Ohtani, Yutaka Minobe
"The Wingless Butoh" "Forze del male", "Guardando nel buio", "One-Winged Angel", "Stage 11 : Hang Castle", "Stage 12 : Mystic Mansion", "Tension Rising"
Arranged by Mikeaudio |
MAY 3 2011
Ys II: Ancient Ys Vanished - The Final Chapter Composed by Mieko Ishikawa, Yuzo Koshiro
"Still More Sailing" "Fight On!", "Termination (Final Boss Darm)", "The Airbuster"
Arranged by Ivan Hakštok |
MAR 28 2025